Saturday, July 2, 2011

Time Flies...

I haven't posted in a while due to... being lazy :)

With the end of school wrapping up, Emma being her crawling/standing/semi-walking self, and getting things ready for summer, I just couldn't bring myself to come over here and post (however, I always found time to FB).

To catch up, as I have said, Emma is crawling.  She walks along the edges of things, and has taken very, very, very small steps without holding on to things.  Which, as her mother, I think this is super advanced for a 10 month old baby.  She also eats more foods she has to "chew".  Cheerios and bananas are a favorite, along with olives for some odd reason.  I've been starting to plan for her 1st Birthday Party, and I've made 2 trial run cakes.  I'll post pictures in my next post, but because I am a truly horrible cake decorator, I think the cakes rock.

On to the meaty part of the post!  My stitches!  I've stitched my heart away while not posting on here.  I finished the bookmark (no pic), both of my SpriteStitch squares,

and I started on Servotron's Mario Thru the Ages.

Not sure why this one is sideways...

I've spent a month on the Mario piece, and am still shooting to have it done by August (hahaha!!!).  It is 23,000+ stitches, and I still haven't got the biggest part, the sky, finished.  I'll keep posting pics here, and hopefully find some time for more blogging!